Naval Knowledge
Naval Term Translation
aft - in the direction of the stern (rear) of a ship
aye aye - means “order understood and I will follow”
boatswain’s stores - storeroom for cleaning gear
bulkhead - wall
colours - ceremony of hoisting the National Flag
coxswain - the senior petty officer on a ship
deck - floor
duty watch - division selected to look after corps preparation and clean up
fore - in the direction of the bow (front) of a ship
galley - kitchen
gangway - passageway (like a hallway)
gash-can - garbage can
heads - toilets
kye - hot chocolate
liberty boat - after being dismissed and are free to go “ashore”
out pipes - a pipe indicating the end of stand easy
pipe - sound produced from a Boatswain’s Call; all pipes have meaning
pipe down - keep quiet
port - the left side
scran locker - lost and found
secure - to close up, put away gear
ship’s company - refers to all personnel on a ship, or at a corps
stand easy - a break
starboard - the right side
stow - to put away
sunset - the ceremony of lowering the National Flag
aye aye - means “order understood and I will follow”
boatswain’s stores - storeroom for cleaning gear
bulkhead - wall
colours - ceremony of hoisting the National Flag
coxswain - the senior petty officer on a ship
deck - floor
duty watch - division selected to look after corps preparation and clean up
fore - in the direction of the bow (front) of a ship
galley - kitchen
gangway - passageway (like a hallway)
gash-can - garbage can
heads - toilets
kye - hot chocolate
liberty boat - after being dismissed and are free to go “ashore”
out pipes - a pipe indicating the end of stand easy
pipe - sound produced from a Boatswain’s Call; all pipes have meaning
pipe down - keep quiet
port - the left side
scran locker - lost and found
secure - to close up, put away gear
ship’s company - refers to all personnel on a ship, or at a corps
stand easy - a break
starboard - the right side
stow - to put away
sunset - the ceremony of lowering the National Flag
Phonetical Alphabet
Charlie Echo Golf India Kilo Mike Oscar Quebec Sierra Uniform Whiskey Yankee |
Delta Foxtrot Hotel Juliet Lima November Papa Romeo Tango Victor X-ray Zulu |